Posted by John R. Price on

OSBA’s popular Special Education Law Workshop is just two weeks away! This year, the workshop is taking place on Friday, February 23, 2024, from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. We’re offering the workshop as a hybrid event for your convenience. You can either join us in person at OSBA’s offices at 8050 North High St. in Columbus or join us virtually on Zoom. Click here to save your spot for the…

Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

For 2024, the OSBA legal division has decided to bring back a popular blog feature: question of the month. We will be focusing on questions that apply to many school board members and come up frequently in phone calls and presentations.  

2024's first question of the month is: Can a school board member sell anything to the district? There are a couple of laws that apply to this question.  

Posted by Sara C. Clark on

Most school boards in Ohio rely on Robert’s Rules of Order to help them run effective and efficient school board meetings. Although there are aspects of Robert’s that you will never use as a school board member, there are several you’ll find yourself using more regularly. Let’s discuss a few topics that members frequently call us about on the OSBA legal hotline.

  1. Agendas. A well-crafted…
Posted by John R. Price on

Earlier this week, the Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) issued a guidance document designed to assist district personnel with administering legally required literacy assessments to students with disabilities.…

Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

As reported in an August Legal Ledger blog post, Ohio’s 2024-25 fiscal year budget bill included changes to district obligations to students in reading instruction. 

The budget bill enacted…

Posted by Sara C. Clark on

Welcome to 2024! As we kick off a new year, please remember that OSBA offers many tools and resources to help you organize your board and keep track of approaching legal deadlines, upcoming workshops and seminars, and other important dates.

Posted by John R. Price on

As we close out calendar year 2023 and embark on a new year, school officials need to be aware of their obligations in the area of school attendance and truancy. Student attendance is critical for positive outcomes, and the law is clear that school officials cannot remain passive when a student is excessively absent from school. Ohio’s school attendance laws, most recently updated with 2016’s House Bill (HB) 410, outline very specific steps that school officials are required to follow when students meet certain…

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Posted by Jennifer A. Hardin on

In this Legal Ledger Sidebar, OSBA attorneys Jennifer and John discuss the Ohio Ethics Law restrictions on gifts, entertainment and other things of value. The conversation covers the key aspects of the laws as they apply to school board members and school employees. 

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Posted by John R. Price on

OSBA would like to thank our extern, Joshua Menden, for drafting this week's blog post.

As the holidays approach, it may be a time for general cheer and merrymaking, but before hanging the stockings, boards of education must remember some of the important deadlines coming up. So, say goodbye to 2023, and get ready to ring in 2024 with your board’s annual organizational meeting.

Posted by Sara C. Clark on

In case you missed it, here are a few updates of importance from this past week:

  1. Governor nominates new DEW Director.