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Hiring coaches and assistant coaches for a district’s athletic program is a task that all boards of education and superintendents must take on. Learn the legal issues that can arise with this process, including entering into supplemental and pupil activities contracts, FLSA and overtime, ethics issues and more.

Speaker: Megan Greulich, Esq., Weston Hurd LLP


For any athletic director or coach, the possibility of student-athletes suffering a physical injury is a key concern. Risk of injury is an inherent part of athletics, and your district needs to be prepared. Hear the steps your district can take to minimize the risk of injury and control liability risk for the district, and explore what can happen if your district is sued by a student-athlete for a physical injury.

Speakers: Holly Marie Wilson, Esq. and Brian D. Sullivan, Esq, Reminger Co. LPA


Districts have a strong interest in maintaining safety and order during athletic activities for students. Student athletes and their parents have the right to participate in fair, safe and orderly athletic functions. Unfortunately, sometimes participants in those activities will get in the way of this goal. This webinar discusses a district’s rights and obligations in managing the behavior of various participants in the process.

Speaker: Bill Deters, Esq., Ennis Britton Co. LPA


The Ohio High School Athletics Association (OHSAA) discuss the latest updates for the 2024-25 school year, including information about transgender student participation, expanding athletic opportunities for non-enrolled students, classification updates and other pertinent information.

Speaker: Kristin Ronai, assistant executive director, OHSAA


Join policy experts from OSBA and Neola for a foundational overview of the importance of effective policy implementation, best practices for governing through policy and how to evaluate the impact on student success. Learn how to move from a compliance view of policies to a student achievement focus? We will review the top 10 policies that impact student achievement and provide practical next steps for you to evaluate your district's policies and policy process.


This session covers one of the most challenging aspects of serving students with disabilities: behavioral issues in the classroom. We discuss the district’s obligations related to these students, including writing behavioral goals in IEPs, developing effective functional behavioral assessments and behavioral intervention plans, and navigating the manifestation determination process when these students face disciplinary removals.

Speakers: Christina Peer, Esq., Weston Hurd LLP, and Jen Gonda, owner/director, Community Behavior Consulting


This webinar covers how to use the latest test results as a benchmark for your district. Learn what the current academic achievement data reveals and how to use that information to move your district forward.


The provision of assistive technology (AT) to students with disabilities who require it to receive a free, appropriate public education has long been a requirement for school districts. However, the events of the past few years and the explosion of remote learning have forever changed the outlook of what AT might look like for schools and students. This session will cover the basic legal requirements related to AT and some of the latest in AT that school districts can implement.

Speaker: William M. Deters, Esq., Ennis Britton LPA


In an era where students seamlessly blend their academic and social lives online, the legal implications of regulating off-campus student social media are more significant than ever. This webinar discusses the delicate balance between protecting students’ First Amendment rights and enforcing a code of conduct beyond the physical campus. Learn about recent case law and delve into the complexities surrounding the legal aspects of managing student behavior in the digital realm.

Speaker: Sarah Kutscher, Esq., Gingo & Bair Law, LLC


Aaron Rausch, director of budget and school funding with the Ohio Department of Education, discusses school funding in the new biennial budget.


Speakers: Jennifer Hogue, director of legislative services, Nicole Piscitani, lobbyist, and Scott Palider, lobbyist, OSBA; Katie Johnson, deputy executive director, Ohio Association of School Business Officials; and Dr. Paul Imhoff, director of governmental relations, Buckeye Association of School Administrators


For public employees, including public school teachers and staffers, social media represents special challenges, special opportunities and special risks. Accessibility, information-sharing and gauging public interest are easier and more convenient than ever before. As are the opportunities to criticize, organize opposition and spread misinformation. And when a crisis hits, it will play out on social media. This Coffee Chat helps participants understand the influence of social media – and how it’s only going to grow. Best practices for public school employees on private social media pages. And how we can all help limit the spread of fake news.

Speaker: Thom Fladung, managing partner, Hennes Communications


Organizational culture is a hot topic. And with employee turnover at a record high and employee morale lower than any team leader wants, it's a topic worth discussing. The problem is everyone's focused on the " what," not the " how." We love talking about "the what" of culture: our core values, our vision statements, our "who we are" pages. Those are exciting conversations to be having, but they don't necessarily get us any closer to actually achieving those things. What we need to be talking about is how we exercise those core values and get to that compelling vision. That's where accelerant culture comes in. This is less about "the what," because you get to design that for your staff and students, and more about "the how," the specific mindsets, behaviors and strategies that are going to get you to your " what." Join us for an exploration of accelerant culture and start creating space for all students and staff to thrive and grow.

Speaker: Daniel Juday, Daniel Juday LLC


In this webinar, you will review the challenges of administrative compensation, from performance-based pay to effective salary schedules. Some of the items discussed include reevaluating a district’s value proposition for administrators, staying competitive in today's market, building effective salary schedules and the pros and cons of performance-based pay.

Speaker: Jeff Rahmberg, Partner, Rahmberg, Stover & Associates


Student health, food insecurity, access to health care and social connections can impact student impact student learning and success. Learn how the AbundaBox program supports Ohio school districts in addressing these challenges, offering resources such as food, hygiene products, educational materials and community connections.

Speaker: Dave Rike, co-founder, SkywardRx


The people at your school who answer phones and emails and staff front desks often are the first to hear of a crisis or potential crisis – and the first to be asked about it. This webinar will provide tips to prepare now, before the phone calls and emails are flooding in. You will learn how the fundamental best practices of crisis communications apply, how building communications process can help and the value of prepared scripts.

Speaker: Thom Fladung, Managing Partner, Hennes Communications


In an age of increased expectations for transparency and public participation, broadcasting your board meetings can provide a “single source of truth” for your community. Ensuring an authentic representation of the board’s activities and decisions can encourage public trust and support. Discover how technology is helping school districts to improve transparency and encourage positive participation by providing a video recording of meetings that can be accessed alongside time-stamped meeting minutes.

Speaker: Diana Baker Freeman, senior manager governance initiatives, Diligent


This Coffee Chat focuses on Current Electric Market Conditions and Market Trends expected in 2023 and beyond. This info session will assist Treasurers and Superintendents in:
*Navigating Current Electric Markets.
*Forecasting where Electric Markets are headed.
*Identifying Ways You District Can Save Money by Minimizing Costs..

Speaker: Mark R. Frye, President, Palmer Energy


The cost of employee benefits continues to raise. Learn how some districts are using insurance pools to help stabilize processes and expenses.

Key Takeaways:
- Learn about various insurance programs used by Ohio school districts.
- Gain a better understanding of insurance pools.


This webinar discusses the current developments in risk management. In addition, you will hear practical ideas on how district leaders can address these emerging trends and were to go for additional help.

Speakers: Travis Thompson, vice president of risk management, Hylant and Michael Ugljesa, program administrator, Ohio School Plan
