Listen to OSBA's podcast to stay informed about association news and the issues impacting public education. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite podcasting app.
Season 8, Episode 10: Summer in the school bus garage: Combating the driver shortage and enhancing safety
In this episode, discover effective strategies to address the ongoing school bus driver shortage and learn how districts can prepare their bus fleets over the summer. Guest OSBA Senior Transportation Consultant Doug Palmer shares insights on successful recruitment tactics, efficient route planning and the importance of summer maintenance.
Season 8, Episode 9: Do Ohio schools have to ban cellphones?
By July 1, 2025, each school district and community school must adopt a policy governing students' use of cellphones during school hours. OSBA Deputy Director of Board and Management Services Kenna Haycox joins the podcast to discuss the law's key points and what districts should consider in developing a cellphone policy.
Season 8, Episode 8: Tech tuneup: Is your district ready for the summer?
In this episode, Darlene Waite and Glenn Corson, with our partners at Vartek, discuss the challenges school districts face with technology at the end of the school year and the steps districts should take to properly shut down and secure technology for the summer. They also share insights about the importance of maintaining and updating technology during the summer months, especially with 1-to-1 device programs becoming more prevalent in schools.
Tune in to learn more and find out how Vartek can help your district develop strategic plans that align with technology purchases and curricular goals.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 8, Episode 7: Is your district prepared for a First Amendment audit?
Thom Fladung with Hennes Communications discusses the "First Amendment audits" trend and what schools can do to prepare for them. First Amendment auditors are individuals who go into public buildings, including schools, with video cameras to test their right to access public spaces. While there is some legitimacy to this, the auditors often try to provoke encounters with school employees and post the video on YouTube. Fladung offers practical advice on how to prepare should a First Amendment auditor appear at your school.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 8, Episode 6: AI in Ohio schools: Implementing it safely and effectively
In this episode, we explore Ohio's AI toolkit for K-12 school districts with OSBA Policy Consultant Gamy Narvaez. Discover how aligning AI policies with district-specific values and objectives can ensure safe, effective and responsible use of AI in schools.
Get more information about the toolkit at https://innovateohio.gov/aitoolkit/ai-toolkit.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 8, Episode 5: Can school board members block critics on social media?
In this episode, OSBA Chief Legal Counsel Sara Clark discusses recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions involving public officials, including school board members, and their use of social media. The rulings, issued March 15th, address whether public officials' social media accounts constitute public forums and how they can navigate the use of social media to avoid First Amendment issues. Get insights into the cases and practical tips for managing social media accounts in both personal and official capacities. This episode sheds light on the evolving landscape of social media use by public officials and provides valuable guidance for school board members.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 8, Episode 4: The school board's role in advancing student achievement
In this episode, OSBA Senior Student Achievement Consultant Kim Miller-Smith discusses the crucial role school board members play in creating conditions for student achievement. Key areas include vision, accountability, policy, relationships and community engagement, with an emphasis on the importance of collaboration with district leadership and the community to set standards for continuous improvement. Discover how boards can effectively engage with their communities, build consensus and prioritize student achievement outcomes.
Get more resources at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/advancing-student-achievement.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 8, Episode 3: Navigating Ohio's legislative agenda for public education
Jennifer Hogue, director of OSBA's legislative services, discusses the current legislative agenda for public education in Ohio, from property taxes to student absences and reading and math instruction.
Learn more about potential changes in leadership at the Statehouse and the impact on legislative priorities. Also, understand the importance of local board members engaging with their legislators and advocating for public education.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 8, Episode 2: Enhancing school bus safety
Gov. Mike DeWine announced 17 recommendations issued by the Ohio School Bus Safety Working Group to enhance the safety of student transportation.
Episode guest OSBA Senior Transportation Consultant Doug Palmer, who was involved with the working group, discusses the recommendations, which range from additional training to giving school districts flexibility to invest in the safety measures that best meet their needs.
Find the recommendations at: http://links.ohioschoolboards.org/36598.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 8, Episode 1: Meet 2024 OSBA President Sally Green
Sally S. Green is in her 19th year on the Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools Board of Education, a rural district in northeast Ohio.
Her longstanding commitment to public education in her community has undoubtedly shaped the district's growth and future.
In this episode, hear more about her journey, her district's unique characteristics and her perspectives on public education.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 7, Episode 12: Welcome to school board service!
Nearly 600 first-time school board members will take office in January. In this episode, we'll explore what to expect as a new school board member, from understanding your role and responsibilities to how to make a positive impact in your new role and contribute to the success of your school district!
Guests: former school board members and OSBA consultants Kristi Robbins and Quinn Maceyko.
Get more information at: https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/new-board-members.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 7, Episode 11: Getting you ready for the OSBA Capital Conference and Trade Show
Get a sneak peek of the upcoming 2023 OSBA Capital Conference and Trade Show as event planners Cheryl Ryan and Jeff Chambers join the podcast!
We're diving into all the conference highlights, including keynote speakers, learning sessions, the Trade Show and Student Achievement Fair, which is celebrating 25 years.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 7, Episode 10: Get engaged in the conversation about school safety
October is Ohio School Safety Month.
Emily Torok, executive director of the Ohio School Safety Center, discusses the safety center's mission, addressing mental health needs and the importance of collaboration, partnerships and community engagement in ensuring a secure learning environment.
This episode is brought to you by Vartek, education's IT partner. Learn more at https://vartek.com.
Season 7, Episode 9: Cybercrimes: A serious threat for schools
Cyberattacks that target schools can not only cause financial loss and disruption but also jeopardize student safety.
In fact, schools have become the leading target for hackers.
Cybersecurity experts Denise Caccavari and Chris Infante with Forward Edge LLC join the podcast to talk about strategies to prevent these malicious intrusions.
This episode is brought to you by Forward Edge LLC, https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 7, Episode 8: Best practices for levy campaigns
The Ohio Auditor of State has released an FAQ on levy activity by public officials and employees.
OSBA's Chief Legal Counsel, Sara C. Clark, joins the podcast to break down the new guidance and what it means for school board members, superintendents and treasurers.
We also released a webinar in August that provides more information.
This episode is brought to you by Forward Edge LLC, https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 7, Episode 7: Ohio budget brings major changes to K-12 education
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has signed into law the state's next two-year budget that delivers historic funding for public schools but also provides universal vouchers.
Our guest, OSBA's Director of Legislative Services Jennifer Hogue, discusses the budget's impact on school funding and what's next.
This episode is brought to you by Forward Edge LLC, https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 7, Episode 6: Grants available for new school buses
Is your district in need of new school buses? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Clean School Bus program provides funding to eligible applicants for the replacement of existing school buses with clean, alternative fuel school buses or zero-emission school buses.
OSBA Senior Transportation Consultant Doug Palmer joins the podcast to discuss the application process and how much money is available for Ohio districts. The deadline, Aug. 22, is fast approaching.
Get more resources at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/ohio-buses-clean-air-obaca-clean-school-bus-grant-program.
This episode is brought to you by Forward Edge LLC, https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 7, Episode 5: New guidance on prayer in school
The U.S. Department of Education has issued updated guidance on prayer and other religious expressions in public schools.
It follows last year's U.S. Supreme Court decision in a case involving a high school football coach who would pray on the 50-yard line after games.
OSBA Staff Attorney John Price discusses the new guidance and what it means for students, teachers and administrators.
This episode is brought to you by Forward Edge LLC, https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 7, Episode 4: Get on Board! Become a voice for Ohio's students
Are you interested in running for your local school board? Do you know someone who would make a great candidate?
OSBA's Get on Board campaign, at www.getonboardohio.gov, aims to raise the profile of boardmanship and encourage high-caliber candidates to run for office.
Cheryl Ryan, OSBA's director of board and management services, and Teri Morgan, senior deputy director of board and management services, have served on local school boards and join the podcast to discuss their perspectives on serving a school community and making the decisions that will shape our children’s future.
This episode is brought to you by Forward Edge LLC, https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 7, Episode 3: Ohio's threat assessment requirements: Is your district compliant?
Two recent legislative enactments impose new obligations on school districts that affect student safety.
House Bill (HB) 99 changed the requirements for schools that choose to arm staff. HB 123 required school districts to conduct threat assessments, assemble and train threat assessment teams and add elements to their local emergency management plans.
OSBA Policy Consultant Gamy Narvaez joins the podcast to help address questions and the implementation of these new laws.
Get resources from the Ohio School Safety Center at https://ohioschoolsafetycenter.ohio.gov/pre-k-12-schools/threat-assessment.
Explore OSBA's Policy Services at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/policy-services.
This episode is brought to you by Forward Edge LLC, https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 7, Episode 2: Public records laws and a school board member's social media
You're a school board member. You have personal social media accounts, your campaign also maintains a social media presence and so does your school district. Under what circumstances are your personal social media pages considered “personal” and not subject to public records law?
Thom Fladung, managing partner with Hennes Communications, joins the podcast to discuss a school board member's right to maintain personal social media pages and the obligation to abide by public records laws. Learn more about Hennes Communications at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/hennes-communications.
This episode is brought to you by Forward Edge LLC, https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 7, Episode 1: 2023 State Legislative Conference
More than 150 school board members, superintendents and treasurers attended this year's State Legislative Conference in Columbus, where they heard from Gov. Mike DeWine, Senate President Matt Huffman, House Speaker Jason Stephens and a panel of legislators.
School board members OSBA President Christine Varwig, Toledo Public; Lynda O'Connor, Lakota Local (Butler); and Terry Gibson, Lockland Local (Hamilton) and Great Oaks Career Campuses, join the podcast to discuss the many bills impacting public education, from universal vouchers to restructuring the State Board of Education and Ohio Department of Education, and the importance of getting your community involved in the legislative process.
Thank you to our sponsor, Forward Edge LLC. Learn more at https://www.forward-edge.net.
Season 6, Episode 10: Advocating against the expansion of school vouchers
Several bills pending in the Ohio Legislature would expand school vouchers, including Senate Bill 11, which would provide universal vouchers.
OSBA's Director of Legislative Services Jennifer Hogue joins the podcast to discuss the impact of these bills and what you can do to ensure your voice and your district's voice is heard.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 6, Episode 9: Ohio's Open Meetings Act and school board executive sessions
A recent Supreme Court of Ohio ruling provides important clarity to public bodies, including school boards, about the Open Meetings Act and executive sessions.
What do you say before you go into executive session? How do you comply with the law while in executive session? What are the consequences of violating the law?
OSBA's Senior Deputy Director of Legal Services Jennifer Hardin, our guest for this episode, discusses the court's opinion and what it means for school board meetings.
Read more about the Supreme Court's opinion at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/blogs/legal-ledger/multiple-civil-forfeitures-multiple-claims-same-conduct-rejected-open-meetings.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 6, Episode 8: Leadership profile: OSBA 2023 President Christine Varwig
Christine Varwig, who's in her 10th year on the Toledo Public Schools Board of Education, became OSBA's 2023 president on Jan. 1.
The veteran board member has been a strong advocate for public education at both the state and national level. She joins the podcast to talk about her experiences, her district and her goals as leader of the association.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 6, Episode 7: Ohio public education: Looking ahead to 2023
A new Ohio General Assembly begins in January with new faces in a legislature that will tackle a new biennial budget.
OSBA's Director of Legislative Services Jennifer Hogue and Lobbyist Nicole Piscitani join the podcast to discuss what might be next for K-12 education at the Statehouse and what did and didn't pass during December's lame-duck session.
Season 6, Episode 6: Why girls?
Confidence. Pressure. Social media. Body image. Today’s girls are facing tremendous challenges, according to Ruling our Experiences (ROX), a national nonprofit that is focused on equipping all girls with the skills they need to navigate these challenges.
Founder and CEO Dr. Lisa Hinkelman joins the podcast to talk about the group's mission to train school counselors, social workers and licensed educators to deliver evidence-based programs to girls in grades five through 12 in their schools and community organizations.
Learn more about ROX at https://rulingourexperiences.com.
More links
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 6, Episode 5: Breakfast superstars!
The Ohio School Breakfast Challenge recognized 22 schools and districts for outstanding work and results around school breakfast.
One of those districts is St. Marys City Schools.
Superintendent Bill Ruane, High School Principal Jonathan Burke, Child Nutrition Director Nicole Rasmussen and District Nurse Deanna Halko join the podcast to share their story and how the Second Chance Breakfast Program increased breakfast participation by 600% at the middle/high school building.
Learn more about the Ohio School Breakfast Challenge and the Breakfast & Beyond recipients at https://www.ohioschoolbreakfastchallenge.com.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 6, Episode 4: What is special education?
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to special education in meeting the needs of all students. Provided at no cost to parents, special education is specifically designed to address the unique needs of a student with disabilities.
OSBA Staff Attorney John Price joins the podcast to talk about these highly individualized programs, including the laws that govern special education and the compliance issues that can arise for school districts.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 6, Episode 3: Become a life-long learner: Attend the OSBA Capital Conference
The OSBA Capital Conference and Trade Show is Ohio’s premier continuing education program — and we're ready to host thousands of board members, superintendents and other school district staff for three days, Nov. 13-15 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
Jeff Chambers and Cheryl Ryan, two of the conference organizers, join the podcast to preview this year's event and explain why you and your staff want to be there. Learn more about the OSBA Capital Conference at http://conference.ohioschoolboards.org/2022.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 6, Episode 2: National consortium seeks to advance public education
The Ohio School Boards Association, along with 21 other founding school boards, signed a resolution earlier this year to officially form the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA). This national alliance is dedicated to ensuring that students and their families enjoy access to excellent and equitable public education governed by collaborative, high-performing school board leaders in local communities throughout the nation.
OSBA President Robert M. Heard Sr., Cleveland Municipal, and OSBA Chief Executive Officer Rick Lewis join the podcast to talk about the new alliance and its role in supporting and strengthening state associations, like OSBA.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 6, Episode 1: Making the grade: A look at Ohio's new school report cards
Ohio's revamped school report cards replace the A through F system with a star-rating system. The change in the law is meant to be fairer for schools and make the report cards easier for parents to understand.
OSBA Director of Legislative Services Jennifer Hogue and Deputy Director of Legislative Services Will Schwartz join the podcast to discuss results and what the new ratings mean.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 10: BWC safety grants available for schools
Jennifer Oiler with Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio joins the podcast to talk about several employee safety grants available from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation. Learn more about how your district can benefit from these grants at https://info.bwc.ohio.gov/for-employers/safety-and-training/safety-grants.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 9: Summer in the school bus garage
From meeting deadlines to planning routes and hiring drivers, the school year essentially begins in July for transportation managers.
OSBA Transportation Consultant Doug Palmer joins the podcast with an update on the driver shortage and the important steps transportation managers and treasurers need to take ahead of a new school year.
Learn more about OSBA's Virtual Transportation Supervisor program at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/virtual-transportation-supervisor.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio, an OSBA endorsed program. Get more details at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 8: Arming school staff
Legislation that reduces the number of training hours for armed school staff from more than 700 hours to 24 hours takes effect this fall following Gov. Mike DeWine's signature on June 13.
OSBA Chief Legal Counsel Sara Clark and OSBA Deputy Director of Legislative Services Will Schwartz join the podcast to discuss how House Bill 99 came about and what a school board needs to do if it chooses to arm school employees.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 7: Schools awarded for unique meal programs through Ohio School Breakfast Challenge
More than 20 school districts were recognized by the Ohio School Breakfast Challenge as Breakfast and Beyond "SuperStars" for their innovative ideas and solutions to ensure students have access to the nutrition they need to succeed.
One of those districts is Pickaway-Ross Career & Technology Center, where Dana Anderson supervises career and technical education and special services. She shares how the district met the challenges of the pandemic and food supply chain and staff shortages.
June Wedd, vice president school wellness for the American Dairy Association Mideast, one of the sponsors of the Ohio School Breakfast Challenge, also discusses the effort to encourage schools to start the day with breakfast.
Learn more about the breakfast challenge and read about the Breakfast and Beyond stories at https://www.ohioschoolbreakfastchallenge.com.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 6: Awaiting the Supreme Court's decision on a football coach's prayers
Former Washington state high school football coach Joseph Kennedy was fired after he made a habit of going to the 50-yard line following his team’s games and kneeling in prayer. The U.S. Supreme Court has heard oral arguments in the case and a decision is expected this summer.
OSBA Staff Attorney John Price joins the podcast to discuss how the justices' decision could change the way the nation treats prayer in school.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 5: How you can help shape OSBA's Legislative Platform
Where does OSBA stand on the many issues facing public education? Look no further than the OSBA Legislative Platform, a document that conveys to legislators, policymakers, the public and the media where OSBA stands. The platform guides OSBA’s advocacy efforts. OSBA Deputy Director of Legislative Services Will Schwartz discusses how members can get involved in the process.
OSBA member school boards can provide suggested modifications to the platform by submitting a duly adopted resolution signed by the district treasurer. Resolutions should be sent to Jennifer Hogue at jhogue@ohioschoolboards.org by May 31.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 4: Transportation planning for spring sports
Spring presents many challenges for school district transportation teams who must navigate a demanding athletics schedule and other events. OSBA Transportation Consultant Doug Palmer joins the podcast to talk about how your district can get creative in getting student-athletes to where they need to go.
Find more resources at http://links.ohioschoolboards.org/ohio, and learn more about how OSBA's Transportation Services can help your district at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/transportation-services.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 3: Keeping the 'social' in social media
Social media is a great tool for school board members and their districts to engage with the communities they serve. How are you managing your message? Thom Fladung with Hennes Communications, an OSBA service provider, joins the podcast with tips on how to build your online reputation and answer critics.
Learn more about Hennes Communications at www.ohioschoolboards.org/hennes-communications.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 5, Episode 2: A conversation with OSBA President Robert M. Heard Sr.
Robert M. Heard Sr. became OSBA's 67th president in May 2021. He is a graduate of the district he serves, Cleveland Municipal, which educates more than 34,000 students. Heard, a former police officer and investigator, took office in the middle of a pandemic that has changed public education forever. In this episode, he reflects on the challenges and lessons learned and why he likes to compare public education to a three-legged stool.
Season 5, Episode 1: Schools adapt to provide students nutritious meals
Schools play an important role in providing nutritious meals to children. And while the COVID-19 pandemic, supply-chain disruptions and labor shortages have challenged those efforts, schools and their foods service professionals have been nothing short of heroic in ensuring students are fueled for success. Brigette Hires, director, and Brian Davis, assistant director, with the Ohio Department of Education's Office of Nutrition, join the podcast to discuss those efforts and how the Ohio School Breakfast Challenge is making a difference. Learn more about the National School Lunch Program at https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/Food-and-Nutrition/National-School-Lunch-Program and the Ohio School Breakfast Challenge at https://www.ohioschoolbreakfastchallenge.com.
Season 4, Episode 8: Ohio public education: Looking back and ahead to 2022
2021 began with the prospect for a new school-funding formula for Ohio, and it ended the year with discussions around vaccine mandates, critical race theory, and a parents bill of rights. OSBA Deputy Director of Legislative Services Will Schwartz joins the podcast as we look back on the year in public education and what's ahead in 2022.
Season 4, Episode 7: OLAC wants to help you become an effective leader
The Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC) is a partnership between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education. Its goal is to provide educators -- no matter their role -- with the resources they need to develop shared and effective leadership. OLAC Project Co-director Dr. Jim Gay joins the podcast to talk about the advisory council's mission, including how school board members can benefit from OLAC's free resources. Learn more at https://ohioleadership.org.
Season 4, Episode 6: Congratulations! You've been elected to the school board. What now?
You've been elected to the school board. The campaign is behind you. Now, it's time to raise your right hand in January and become part of a group of leaders who govern a school district. As a new school board member, you have much to learn about the roles and responsibilities of a board member. OSBA's Cheryl Ryan, director of board and management services, and Steve Horton, senior board and management services consultant, join the podcast to discuss how first-time board members can prepare. Thank you for taking the bold step of serving your community!
Additional resources: Learn more about OSBA's new board member academies coming up in January at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/events.
Season 4, Episode 5: Get ready for the OSBA Capital Conference and Trade Show!
Prepare yourself for three days of Leadership for Learning! The OSBA Capital Conference and Trade Show returns to the Greater Columbus Convention Center, Nov. 7-9, with inspiring keynote speakers, unparalleled learning and the opportunity to see students shine. We're ready to welcome you! OSBA Director of Communications Services Jeff Chambers and Director of Board and Management Services Cheryl Ryan join the podcast to talk about what attendees can expect at this year's premier event. Learn more and register at http://conference.ohioschoolboards.org/2021.
Season 4, Episode 4: Advancing student achievement in your district
Are you promoting the great work of the students in your district? OSBA’s Student Achievement Leadership Team (SALT) and the many district student achievement liaisons are doing just that – and want to help you do the same in your community. OSBA Senior Student Achievement Consultant Kim Miller-Smith joins the podcast to talk about SALT’s work throughout the state. Get more resources at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/advancing-student-achievement and https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/student-achievement-promotion and contact Miller-Smith at kmillersmith@ohioschoolboards.org.
Season 4, Episode 3: Public participation at school board meetings
Today’s politically charged climate over pandemic policies, diversity and more has led to crowded school board meetings. Does the public have a right to speak at school board meetings? Can a school board limit public comments? OSBA staff attorney Ralph Lusher joins the Leading the Way podcast to discuss those questions and more. Also, be sure to check out the OSBA legal division's fact sheet on public participation at school board meetings at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/sites/default/files/uploads/OSBAPublicParticipationBoardMeetingsFactSheet.pdf.
Season 4, Episode 2: Get behind the wheel: Promote school bus safety in your district
Every day in Ohio, more than 15,000 school buses transport 800,000 children between home and school. It’s quite an achievement, and it couldn’t be done safely without collaboration between school bus drivers, parents, district leaders and the community. OSBA Transportation Consultant Doug Palmer is our guest as we discuss how your district can help promote school bus safety throughout the school year.
Links to other resources:
OSBA's School Bus Safety Week webpage
OSBA's Master of Transportation Administration Program
Season 4, Episode 1: COVID-19 health guidance for a new school year
As schools prepare for another year during the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of students and staff remain paramount. Several federal and state agencies have released recommendations on how schools can help control the spread of the virus. OSBA Chief Legal Counsel Sara C. Clark joins the podcast to talk about the guidance, including for masks and vaccines, and answers the questions school leaders likely have as they prepare to welcome back students. More resources are available at:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/k-12-guidance.html
American Academy of Pediatrics: https://services.aap.org/en/pages/2019-novel-coronavirus-covid-19-infections/clinical-guidance/covid-19-planning-considerations-return-to-in-person-education-in-schools/
Ohio Department of Health: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/static/responsible/schools/K-12-Schools-Guidance.pdf
Season 3, Episode 8: A fair and equitable school-funding formula
The state has answered the call for a comprehensive, fair and equitable school-funding formula that meets the needs of students. Gov. Mike DeWine has signed a two-year, $75 billion state budget that includes a new funding model for public schools. OSBA's Director of Legislative Services Jennifer Hogue and Deputy Director Will Schwartz join the podcast to discuss the Fair School Funding Plan.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed partner. Learn how Sedgwick can help control the premiums your district pays for workers’ compensation coverage at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 3, Episode 7: Summer is no vacation for school transportation planners
Summer is here! For many in the public education world, it's a time to relax for a bit. That's not the case for the school transportation supervisor who must complete many critical tasks to succeed next school year. OSBA Transportation Supervisor Doug Palmer joins the podcast to help supervisors plan for the summer, and he's even included a handy checklist at http://links.ohioschoolboards.org/81214. Learn more about OSBA's transportation services at www.ohioschoolboards.org/transportation-services.
Season 3, Episode 6: The case of Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. and freedom of speech
The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard arguments in a case that could have profound implications for students and freedom of speech. At issue is whether public schools can discipline students over something they say off-campus. OSBA Chief Legal Counsel Sara Clark and Jennifer Hardin, OSBA’s deputy director of legal services, are here to talk about the case -- Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed partner. Learn how Sedgwick can help control the premiums your district pays for workers’ compensation coverage at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 3, Episode 5: Get on Board! Run for your local school board
If Ohio is to provide a high-quality education to its roughly 1.7 million students, it needs representative school boards that can meet the challenges of the diverse districts they represent. That’s the goal of OSBA’s Get on Board campaign, which was launched this month to encourage Ohioans to run for their local school boards. Angela Penquite, OSBA's deputy director of communication services, and Steve Horton, a former school board member and OSBA's senior board and management services consultant, discuss the roles and responsibilities of school board members and the training and other resources OSBA is providing to potential candidates and those who have decided to run. Learn more at https://www.getonboardohio.org.
This episode is brought to you by Sedgwick, an OSBA endorsed partner. Learn how Sedgwick can help control the premiums your district pays for workers’ compensation coverage at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/workers-compensation.
Season 3, Episode 4: The PAST Foundation: Linking learning to life
How do we inspire students so they succeed and persist? The PAST Foundation is focused on that question in pursuing its mission to "link learning to life." To date, more than 300,000 students and more than 16,000 educators have been influenced by the foundation’s work. Its president and CEO, Dr. Annalies Corbin, joins the podcast to talk about that work and how the foundation is helping shape the post-pandemic education world. Get more information about the foundation at https://www.pastfoundation.org and the Ohio listening tour at https://www.pastfoundation.org/ohio-listening-tour.
Season 3, Episode 3: Extending the school year is not an easy fix
Throughout the school year, students have shifted between remote, hybrid and in-person learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving educators worried about learning loss. One idea to help close the achievement gap is extending the school year into summer. While it may sound like an easy fix, OSBA Senior Attorney Van D. Keating joins the podcast to discuss what can be a complicated process, requiring considerable negotiations and expense. OSBA members can reach the association's legal division at (855) OSBA-LAW. Get more resources at www.ohioschoolboards.org/legal-services.
Season 3, Episode 2: Become a strong voice for Ohio public schools
Over the next several months, state legislators will craft a new two-year state budget. Your advocacy is integral to the process. OSBA’s Director of Legislative Services Jennifer Hogue and Deputy Director Will Schwartz join the podcast to discuss why and how you can help shape the direction of public school funding. Learn more about OSBA’s legislative efforts at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/legislative-issues or contact the association’s legislative division at (614) 540-4000 or jhogue@ohioschoolboards.org and wschwartz@ohioschoolboard.org.
Season 2, Episode 11: What is an MCO and what does it offer my district?
Among the many crucial duties of a school board is evaluating risk management programs for the district. Whether you are a new or veteran board member, that task is not easy. For those board members not familiar with the workers’ compensation system, you might wonder, “What is an MCO and what does it offer my district?” Lance Watkins, vice president of client services for Sedgewick Managed Care Ohio, formerly CompManagement Health Systems, joins the podcast to talk about MCOs and the recent merger and what it means for districts that use the OSBA endorsed program.
Resources: https://sedgwickmco.com.
Thank you to our sponsor: CompManagement, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/ohio-schoolcomp.
Season 2, Episode 10: Questions your district should be asking about COVID-19 vaccines and the pandemic's impact on workers' compensation
Gov. Mike DeWine says he wants Ohio teachers and school staff to be in the next group of people to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. What questions should your district be asking? OSBA Staff Attorney Ralph Lusher joins the podcast to talk about it. Also, Tony Sharrock, director of client services at CompManagement, discusses the pandemic's impact on school districts' workers' compensation plans.
Resources: https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/pandemic-preparedness-workplace-and-americans-disabilities-act.
Thank you to this episode's sponsor, CompManagement Health Systems, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/ohio-schoolcomp.
Season 2, Episode 9: The pandemic's impact on teacher retention and recruitment
Even before the pandemic, U.S. schools were struggling to hire and retain teachers. How will COVID-19 impact teacher recruitment and retention? Brad Conrad, associate professor of education at Capital University and co-author of the book "Lesson Planning with Purpose: Five Approaches to Curriculum Design" joins the Leading the Way podcast to discuss how education leaders can help stop the profession's revolving door. Conrad also is part of the education blog talesfromtheclassroom.com. Thank you to this episode's sponsor, CompManagement Health Systems, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/ohio-schoolcomp.
Season 2, Episode 8: Lessons learned from the first-year school board member
In this episode, we've partnered with the PAST Foundation (pastfoundation.org) and its president and CEO, Annalies Corbin, who recently sat down with three first-year school board members to discuss their experiences, including the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Lori Trent, Upper Arlington City; Dr. Tina D. Pierce, Columbus City; and John P. Jones, Huron City, discuss why they chose to serve; the school board's role and how school boards have been able to support the community while students learn from home. Listen to more episodes of the PAST Foundation's Learning Unboxed podcast at https://www.pastfoundation.org/learning-unboxed. This episode of OSBA's Leading the Way is brought to you by CompManagement Health Systems, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/ohio-schoolcomp.
Season 2, Episode 7: Building support for school levies in the COVID-19 Era
School districts are on the Nov. 3 ballot in a challenging time -- in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Jerry Rampelt, founder emeritus, and Mike Collins, executive director, Support Ohio Schools Research and Education Foundation, join the podcast to discuss this year's campaign, including planning, fundraising and voter targeting. Also, what impact will the pandemic have on future levy campaigns? Don't miss OSBA's Dec. 3 Levy Success Workshop with Jerry, Mike and others from the Support Ohio Schools Research and Education Foundation (supportohioschools.com). Learn more and register at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/events/view/levy-success-1. OSBA's Leading the Way is powered by CompManagement, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/ohio-schoolcomp.
Season 2, Episode 6: Previewing the 2020 OSBA Capital Conference and Trade Show
For more than 60 years, OSBA’s Capital Conference and Trade Show has been the premier education event for all who play a role in education in Ohio. This year we're bringing the learning to you! Jeff Chambers, OSBA’s director of communication services, plays a big role in bringing the conference to thousands of attendees every year. He joins the podcast to discuss what attendees can expect and how to get the most out of this year's virtual experience, Nov. 7-10. Learn more about the Capital Conference at http://conference.ohioschoolboards.org. OSBA's Leading the Way is powered by CompManagement, an OSBA endorsed program. Learn more at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/ohio-schoolcomp.
Season 2, Episode 5: Board members question how they should meet
Ohio school boards can meet virtually through Dec. 1, unless the state's health emergency expires prior to that date. Boards then would be required to meet in person. The decision on whether to meet in person or virtually continues to cause some concern. Cheryl W. Ryan, OSBA's director of board and management services, discusses what she's hearing from board members and also provides more information on OSBA's new STAR Awards program. Read more about the awards program at http://links.ohioschoolboards.org/24610. Then, Sara C. Clark, OSBA's chief legal counsel, breaks down a federal judge's ruling that declared the state's new school territory transfer law unconstitutional. Read more about the case at http://links.ohioschoolboards.org/23685.
Season 2, Episode 4: Changing the school culture: Fostering diversity, inclusion and equity
Schools have reinforced their efforts to develop effective school policies against racial inequality following the death of George Floyd and the large protests over the summer. Districts have committed to change, creating community task forces and hiring director-level equity officers. Two of OSBA's diversity and equity consultants, Kim Brazwell and Daniel Juday, join the Leading the Way podcast to discuss how schools can prioritize and promote diversity and equity and do it the right way. Learn how to foster diversity and equity in your district with the help of OSBA's diversity and equity consultants at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/diversity-equity-consulting-services.
Season 2, Episode 3: The legalities of fall sports and COVID-19
Gov. Mike DeWine gave the green light for high school football and other fall contact sports, like soccer and field hockey, to proceed but with many restrictions and guidelines. He also stressed that the decision on whether to play would be made locally by the school district. If a district decides to have sports, then it must follow specific health, safety and Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) guidelines. A district also could choose not to have fall sports. The governor's recent order has generated many questions for OSBA's Division of Legal Services. Senior Staff Attorney Van D. Keating joins Leading the Way with answers to some of those questions. Learn more about sport-specific OHSAA guidelines at http://links.ohioschoolboards.org/50693. OSBA also has many COVID-19 resources at www.ohioschoolboards.org.
Season 2, Episode 2: Getting students to and from school during a pandemic
School leaders must confront many complex challenges as a new school year begins in the middle of a pandemic. Their toughest challenge just might be getting 26 million bus-riding students to school in the first place. How do you social distance on the school bus? Should fewer students ride the bus? What about cleaning standards? OSBA's Transportation Task Force set out to answer those questions and share ideas to help keep students and drivers safe. Nearly 30 transportation supervisors serve on the task force. OSBA Senior Transportation Consultant Pete Japikse and transportation supervisors Dan Grothause of St. Marys City Schools and Sheila Dikowicz of Kirtland Local and Perry Local schools in Lake County discuss the task force's work and the common ideas and concerns all districts must consider as the new year begins. Learn more about OSBA's Transportation Task Force and find resources at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/transportation-during-pandemic.
Season 2, Episode 1: What will a return to school look like during a pandemic?
We ended the 2019-2020 school year with remote learning after the COVID-19 coronavirus closed school buildings across the state in March. Now the focus is on reopening. School boards and their administrative teams have an incredible task before them: preparing for a return to school during a pandemic. Members of South-Western City Schools' board-superintendent leadership team -- board President Robert W. Ragland, board member Lee Schreiner, OSBA's 2020 president, and Superintendent Bill Wise -- discuss the district's reopening plans and how the team is working together to ensure students and staff are safe.
Parents certainly will have a huge say in how districts shape their reopening plans. Ohio PTA President Ana Chapman, who also is president of the Berea City Schools Board of Education, and Ohio PTA President-elect Jackie Arendt, a North Royalton City Schools board member, joined the podcast in June to talk about the importance of community engagement.
OSBA continues to update and share information to support boards of education and school leaders during the pandemic. Find more information at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/coronavirus.
Season 1, Episode 10: School transportation during a pandemic: Just how flexible are we?
For school administrators, the coming weeks and months are going to test everyone’s management skills, including those who oversee transportation. Can we really social distance on a school bus? What will routing look like in the fall? Will we have enough bus drivers? OSBA Senior Transportation Consultant Pete Japikse discusses the new challenges we’re experiencing as we live through a pandemic together. To maximize your chances of success, he says you need to take a step back from the planning process and answer a lot of questions. OSBA's Virtual Transportation Supervisor also can help guide your district through these challenges. Learn more about the subscription-based program at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/virtual-transportation-supervisor.
Season 1, Episode 9: School district budget cuts during the coronavirus pandemic
Over the next two months, local school districts will lose more than $300 million dollars — the result of state budget cuts due to the coronavirus pandemic. Those cuts amount to nearly 4% of original base funding for school districts, which is separate from money districts receive from local property taxes. Jennifer Hogue, OSBA’s director of legislative services; Kevin Miller, director of governmental relations for the Buckeye Association of School Administrators; and Barb Shaner, advocacy specialist for the Ohio Association of School Business Officials, join the Leading the Way podcast to discuss the cuts' impact on schools and what federal funds districts may receive through the CARES Act. More information is available at http://links.ohioschoolboards.org/34421.
*Information in this podcast was current as of May 8, 2020.
Season 1, Episode 8: Addressing the needs of students with disabilities during the coronavirus pandemic
While Ohio’s students are adapting to online classes and other forms of distance learning, the new reality can be especially challenging for the families of students with disabilities. About 14% of students enrolled in U.S. public schools receive special education services. In this episode, OSBA’s Deputy Director of Legal Services Jennifer Hardin discusses how parents and districts are working cooperatively to ensure that students receive services during building closures. More resources are available at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/coronavirus-covid-19-resources under state resources. U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos' April 27 report to Congress is available at https://www2.ed.gov/documents/coronavirus/cares-waiver-report.pdf.
Season 1, Episode 7: The coronavirus and education's digital divide
With school buildings closed because of the coronavirus pandemic, many teachers have shifted to online classes. But what if reliable internet service isn't available? Some students don’t have a computer or high-speed internet at home, or even access to cellphone data due to income or their geographic location. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimated in 2017 that 7 million school-aged children lived in households without in-home internet service. Two superintendents from school districts in rural southern Ohio -- Symmes Valley Local's (Lawrence) Darrell Humphreys and Alexander Local's (Athens) Lindy Douglas -- discuss how their students are learning in areas where the digital divide cuts deep.
Season 1, Episode 6: Leading your district effectively amid a changing world
Our home, school and professional worlds have been turned upside down. Even so, we are learning and discovering new ways to continue in our professional roles, and in some cases, we've been asked to take on new roles during the coronavirus pandemic. This is especially true for school board members who are juggling their family and career responsibilities. Add to that the concern for their district's well-being. Cheryl Ryan, OSBA's director of board and management services, and Steve Horton, senior board and management services consultant, discuss how board members can continue to be effective advocates and how district administrators can help.
Season 1, Episode 5: Teaching during a pandemic: Why SEL and staff cohesiveness are more important than ever
Educators had to become distance learning experts overnight amid the coronavirus pandemic. They are facing new demands in meeting the needs of anxious students and their families. Add to that, the responsibility of caring for their own families during the health crisis. Dr. Kathy McFarland, OSBA's deputy chief executive, and Karen Sedoti, principal of Olentangy Local's (Delaware) Olentangy Academy, discuss what educators are experiencing during these challenging times, the importance of mental health and social-emotional learning (SEL) and what administrators can do to help maintain a cohesive staff.
Season 1, Episode 4: Coronavirus: Holding board of education meetings
With social distancing and stay-at-home orders in place, OSBA has received many questions about Ohio's Open Meetings Act and holding board of education meetings during the pandemic. What is a virtual meeting? How can the public participate? What about executive sessions? OSBA Chief Legal Counsel Sara C. Clark answers these questions and more. For up-to-date information on this topic and other legal issues related to the coronavirus, subscribe to the OSBA Legal Ledger at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/blogs/legal-ledger. Also, follow Sara on Twitter at @SaraCravenClark. OSBA members can contact the legal division at (855) 672-2529 or (855) OSBA-LAW.
Season 1, Episode 3: Student achievement during the coronavirus closures: It looks different
We are in this together! While the coronavirus has closed school buildings across the state, what board members, administrators, teachers, parents, community members and others have accomplished is nothing short of phenomenal. These are transformational times, and there may be no better time to think seriously about student achievement. OSBA Senior Student Achievement Consultant Kim Miller-Smith discusses the importance of academic success as students adapt to learning from home. Also, be sure to check out Kim's Achievement Matters blog at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/blogs/student-achievement. She's compiled numerous at-home learning resources.
Season 1, Episode 2: A conversation with 2020 OSBA President Lee Schreiner
Lee Schreiner, South-Western City, became OSBA president on Jan. 1. We sat down with OSBA's 65th president to discuss his goals for the association and his long career in public education. Schreiner taught at South-Western City Schools for 37 years before retiring. He has served in numerous federal, state and regional leadership roles. He currently serves on OSBA’s Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Federal Relations Network and Central Region Executive Committee. He was the Central Region president in 2017. Don't forget to check out what OSBA's Transportation Services can do for your district at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/transportation-services.
Season 1, Episode 1: Welcome new board members
OSBA Director of Board and Management Services Cheryl W. Ryan and Membership Retention and Engagement Consultant Mark E. Bobo share tips for what new board members can expect in their first year. Learn how OSBA can help you on your journey at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/new-board-members. Also, Deputy Chief Executive Dr. Kathy McFarland explains how social-emotional learning has become a key indicator of student success not just in the classroom but in life. Don't forget to check out what OSBA's Transportation Services can do for your district at https://www.ohioschoolboards.org/transportation-services.