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Posted by John R. Price on 6/24/2024

On June 17, 2024, a federal district court in Kentucky issued an injunction blocking implementation of the new Title IX rule issued by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) in April. The injunction is effective in Ohio and several other states. Over the past few weeks, OSBA has posted information for our members about the new rule, as it would create significant changes to the scope of Title IX and the processes that must be followed when allegations of sex discrimination are made in schools. This injunction means that, as of now, the new rule…

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

Provide resources directly to students and families!

In partnership with OSBA, AbundaBox delivers monthly Health Packs and 24/7 clinical support to families at no out-of-pocket costs. This initiative equips districts to better support students and families by delivering health packs, healthcare, education and connectivity resources – all sent directly to eligible homes.

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Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

The Ohio Attendance Taskforce announced its recommendations to improve school attendance and reduce chronic absence. These recommendations are intended to help schools and districts implement effective prevention and early intervention strategies to improve attendance and decrease chronic absenteeism. Chronic absence is defined in Ohio as a student missing 10% or more of school hours. In the 2022-2023 school year, Ohio’s chronic absence rate was 26.8%, meaning more than 615,000 students in the state were chronically absent. To read the taskforce recommendations, please visit …

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

House Bill 33 of the 135th General Assembly included several legislative changes impacting the Ohio Department of Education and State Board of Education. During the first week in October, the Department of Education will be renamed the Department of Education and Workforce and will become a cabinet-level agency reporting to the Governor of Ohio. Further, the legislation created a new agency, the Department of Children and Youth, to provide services more efficiently to children and their families in the areas of prevention, early education and support.
The current powers and…

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

House Bill 33 of the 135th General Assembly included several legislative changes to the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. Information about the most significant changes to the Third Grade Reading Guarantee is available below. 


Under House Bill 33 of the 135th General Assembly, any district, community school, STEM school or chartered nonpublic school that would have retained students who did not meet the promotion score on Ohio’s State Test for grade 3 English language arts during…

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

In April, Ohio and the nation will celebrate the Month of the Military Child, a time to recognize the sacrifices that military service members and their families make for the security and safety of the nation. Click the link above to access information on the provisions granted to military children and their families by The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children and for resources on how districts might celebrate their military families…

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

The Ohio Department of Education, Ohio School Safety Center and Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services collaborated to develop Ohio’s Comprehensive School Safety Framework using Ohio’s Whole Child Framework as a guide for the collaborative approach.

The school safety framework outlines recommended strategies for schools and considers programs and initiatives that schools already have in place.…

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

The Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA) is very excited to announce that…

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

Family literacy can look very different from one household to another. There is no “right” way for families to embrace literacy practices such as reading, writing, speaking, singing, and listening. Family literacy has moved beyond filling out reading logs and setting the timer for 20 minutes. Instead, practicing the principles of literacy can include:

  • Playing a word game like Scrabble
  • Listening to a favorite musical artist and singing along
  • Visiting a museum and talking about the best parts of the exhibit
  • Telling favorite family memories while others…
Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on

Francesca Gino, Maryam Kouchaki and Tiziana Casciaro recently wrote in the Harvard Business Review that networking is a necessity and a mountain of research shows that professional networks lead to among other things: broader and deeper knowledge, improved capacity to innovate, improved work quality and increased job satisfaction.

As we work to network with community members and district personnel, here are 8 essential ingredients that Fullan and Rincon-Gallardo assert as necessary for effective networks and collaboration.

  1. Develop high-trust relationships