Crisis communications advice, training and audits
Today, schools face a range of threats — everything from social media firestorms and accusations of sexual misconduct to contentious ballot issues and prolonged negotiations with labor unions.
When those events occur, stakeholders need to hear the school’s side of the story first.
Our crisis management consultants are deeply experienced crisis professionals with long histories working in the news media, in industry and in law.
We help clients tell the truth, tell it first and tell it fast.
Hennes Communications provides crisis management and communications services, including communications audits, to public school systems throughout the state of Ohio facing sudden challenges to their organizations’ reputations and operations. OSBA member school leaders have access 365 days a year to expert crisis communications professionals.
The firm has a deep track record of working closely with school boards and legal counsel, balancing best crisis management practices and the need to protect the interests of a school or district with today’s demands for speed and transparency.
Headquartered in Cleveland, Hennes is one of the leading firms in North America focused exclusively on high-stakes communications – the type of help clients seek when they face reputational challenges, crises, bet-the-store issues and other watershed events. The firm is staffed only by senior-level professionals with deep experience as trusted advisors to education, corporate, non-profit and government leaders when developments threaten their organization’s future growth and even their future existence.
“Hennes Communications gave us smart strategic communication counsel and much-needed media training to help us deal with a breaking crisis situation quickly and effectively. They put the truth, and our reputation, first.” Chuck Sincere, Springfield Local Schools Superintendent
“The OSBA mission includes providing our members with important services that augment the talents of their district’s administrative staff. With Hennes Communications, our members have access to a team of crisis communications specialists at any time on any issue that needs an experienced perspective and specialized talents. Many of our members have already taken advantage of their expertise and we believe this new agreement will help more districts take advantage of the services the firm offers.” Rick Lewis, OSBA Chief Executive Officer
Hennes Communications helps school districts by:
- Developing and executing strategic communications responses to crises, emerging issues and other game-changing organizational developments
- Developing and executing rapid response strategies for priority social media channels, assuring that key messages are heard on these critical communication platforms
Executing communications audits to assess the effectiveness of school communications with parents, taxpayers and other stakeholders, with specific recommendations for improvement
- Assessing client risks and developing communication plans responding to those risks
- Conducting customized media training and crisis drills
- Providing litigation communications support
- Helping clients communicate effectively during times of organizational change and reputational challenge
- Preparing and coaching executives for their role as organizational spokespersons
OSBA members receive a free 30-minute consult.
Contact Information
Hennes Communications, 50 Public Square, Suite 3200, Cleveland, OH 44113
Thom Fladung
(216) 321-7774 ext. 102