Points for the Training Award are earned from professional development events and activities delivered by OSBA or the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA).
A board member must earn 200 points within a three-year period to achieve the OSBA Training Award. This is a rolling yearly cycle; points are accumulated from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. Awards are presented at the spring regional conferences.
Application process
This award does not require an application; the board member will be notified when he or she has earned the requisite points.
Below are points allocated for training opportunities:
Training opportunities |
Points |
Attend a regional fall or spring conference |
5 |
Participate in an OSBA online training session or webinar |
5 |
Attend a meeting of the Small School District Advisory Network |
5 |
Attend a meeting of the Urban Network |
5 |
Attend a three-hour customized in-district workshop conducted by OSBA staff |
10 |
Attend OSBA's State Legislative Conference |
10 |
Attend a half-day OSBA Workshop |
10 |
Attend a full-day customized in-district workshop conducted by OSBA staff |
15 |
Attend an all-day OSBA workshop |
15 |
Attend the OSBA Board Leadership Institute |
20 |
Attend the Consortium of State School Boards Associations’ Annual Conference |
20 |
Attend the Consortium of State School Boards Associations’ Urban Boards Alliance Symposium |
20 |
Attend the Consortium of State School Boards Associations' Advocacy Institute as an OSBA-appointed member of the OSBA Federal Legislative Advocacy Group (FLAG) |
20 |
Attend the OSBA Board Member 101 |
20 |
Attend the OSBA Capital Conference and Trade Show |
25 |