Office for Civil Rights guidance document

Earlier this week, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Education issued new guidance documents on Section 504 (Sec. 504) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Sec. 504 prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities by public schools and other institutions receiving federal funds.  The four new guidance documents provide assistance to school districts on Sec. 504 rights of students with specific conditions.

CARES Act Update

On July 20, the Ohio Controlling Board approved requests to appropriate $100 million additional CARES Act funding for K-12 schools. This funding comes from the Coronavirus Relief Fund of the CARES Act and is separate from the $440 million recently allocated from the Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief (ESSER) Fund.

Protecting student privacy while using edtech products

School districts across the country are increasingly using computer software, mobile apps and other web-based tools to foster and enhance the learning process. The widespread adoption and use of online technologies have the potential to positively transform the educational process, but they also have called attention to possible risks.
