OSBA Executive Committee
Christine Varwig, Toledo City
Thomas C. Patterson, Sandusky City
Kevin Landin, Ottoville Local (Putnam)
OSBA Board of Trustees
Christine Varwig, Toledo City
Thomas C. Patterson, Sandusky City
Kevin Landin, Ottoville Local (Putnam)
Bob Vasquez, Toledo City
Cindy Erickson, Putnam County Educ Serv Ctr
Eric K. Germann, Lincolnview Local (Van Wert)
Dr. Paul R. Lockwood II, EHOVE Career Center
Randall Parker III, Toledo City
Legislative Platform Committee
Dr. Paul R. Lockwood II, EHOVE Career Center
Brian L. Baker, Four County Career Center
Eric K. Germann, Lincolnview Local (Van Wert)
Christine Varwig, Toledo City
Thomas C. Patterson, Sandusky City
Capital Conference Planning Task Force
Christine Varwig, Toledo City
Thomas C. Patterson, Sandusky City
Bob Vasquez, Toledo City
Cindy Erickson, Putnam County Educ Serv Ctr
Arrangement & Hospitality Team
Audit Committee
Dr. Paul R. Lockwood II, EHOVE Career Center
Vicki Smith, Western Buckeye Educ Serv Ctr
Credentials Committeee
Nominating Committee
Christine Varwig, Toledo City
Kevin Landin, Ottoville Local (Putnam)
Rules Committee
Student Achievement Leadership Team
Samantha Widmer, Gibsonburg Exempted Village
Nancy Timmons, Lakota Local (Sandusky)
Christine Varwig, Toledo City
Thomas C. Patterson, Sandusky City
Jeremy Sharninghouse, North Baltimore Local (Wood)
Sue Larimer, Perrysburg Exempted Village
Current as of 9/5/2024 7:48 am