Employing students aged sixteen and seventeen during summer vacation

Students aged sixteen and seventeen, who are employed during the summer months after the last day of spring classes and before fall classes begin, are not required to provide their employer with an age and schooling certificate as a condition of employment (RC 4109.02). This exception applies if the student is employed in an area that is nonagricultural and nonhazardous as well as any other area of employment that is not prohibited to persons aged sixteen and seventeen.

Minimum wage increases continue

Ohios minimum wage increased to $7.30 on January 1, 2009. The increase applies to all employers that gross more than $267,000 per year, a category within which most, if not all Ohio public schools fall. Exempted from the increase are 14 and 15-year-old employees, who will continue to receive the federal minimum wage of $6.55 through July 24, 2009, at which time the federal rate will increase to $7.25 per hour. Also exempted are tipped employees, who receive $3.65 per hour, before tips. For more information, please contact the OSBA Legal Division.