Reserve your spot by Monday, March 25, 2024.

Payments can be made by credit card, check or invoiced to your district with the inclusion of a purchase order number.

Please make checks payable to:
Ohio School Boards Association Southeast Region
c/o Melanie Price
Ohio School Boards Association
8050 N. High St. Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43235

Cancellations received at least three business days before the day of the event may request a full refund. All others will be charged the full event fee.

Thank you to our Sponsors:
FieldTurf USA Inc.
VSWC Architects

Event will be held at
Crooksville High School
4075 Ceramic Way
Crooksville OH 43731

Tuesday March 26, 2024

5:30 p.m.
Registration and networking
6:15 p.m.

Alice Browning, Southeast Region president;
board member, Crooksville EV



Update and greetings from OSBA
Mark E. Bobo, OSBA director of member relations

Sally S. Green, OSBA president; board member,
Tuscarawas Valley Local (Tuscarawas)

Dr. Kathy McFarland, OSBA chief executive officer

Recognition of:
Southeast Region Book Grant recipient, Student Achievement
Fair participants, STAR award recipients, Veteran board members

Legislative update
Nicole Piscitani, OSBA deputy director of legislative services

8:30 p.m.