Ohio's budget bill: Enrollment changes

As the Legal Ledger noted in last week’s post, Am. Sub. House Bill 33 (HB 33), the biennial budget bill for fiscal years 2024-25, was signed into law by Gov. Mike DeWine on July 3.

Consolidated school report due Nov. 30, 2022

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has issued a reminder about the annual consolidated school report that each school district must file this autumn. The report for the 2021-22 school year is due by Nov. 30, 2022, and ODE has recently prepared instructions for districts to follow when filing it.

Kindergarten Enrollment

The Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (Ohio State University) recently posted the following: “Kindergarten enrollment in American schools has plummeted during the pandemic, potentially setting back educational and social development for children at a critical age and impacting public school budgets for years to come. Most states don’t require kindergarten attendance.
