Recent executive orders and communications

Recently, President Donald J. Trump has signed executive orders, and several federal agencies have issued communications, addressing various policy areas, including K-12 education. While executive orders primarily guide federal agencies, they often indicate broader policy priorities that may impact schools and educational institutions. Given that several recent orders impact the U.S. Department of Education or discuss K-12 education, we are providing a summary and links to these executive orders and communications.

Executive orders

U.S. Department of Education: Summit on May 23 and seeking comments on Sec. 504 regulations

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) has announced several efforts to support students with mental health challenges.


U.S. Department of Education releases most recent Civil Rights Data Collection

Earlier this week, the U. S. Department of Education’s (USDOE) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released the most recent biennial Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The data included in the 2015-16 CRDC was self-reported by more than 17,300 public school districts and almost 96,400 public schools and educational programs.
