Board members will engage with experienced OSBA staff in this one-day workshop, which covers key topics in board leadership, governance, and critical areas such as legal, policy, and advocacy issues. Participants will learn about the essential responsibilities of board work, common legal questions, the role of board policies in governing the district, and how to effectively advocate for both legislative issues and student achievement.

This workshop comes with a complimentary copy of the book "Boardmanship"

Update: This workshop is now only being offered virtually.

Please let Scott Clay if you have any accommodations needed to be made available for you to attend this workshop.


Date Title Location
1/25/25 [Virtual] Board Member 101: Survival kit board members Webinar

Saturday January 25, 2025

8:45 a.m.
Zoon Webinar Opens
Quinn Maceyko, board and management consultant, OSBA
9 a.m.
Boardmanship: what its really about
Quinn Maceyko, board and management consultant, OSBA

The role and function of a board of education is often misinterpreted.  Learn about important aspects of board work and gain insight into governance, roles and responsibilities, best practices and strategies for being an effective school board member.  

10 a.m.
Understanding legislation and being an advocate for your district
Nicole Piscitani, deputy director of legislative services, OSBA & Malania Birney, lobbyist OSBA

School board members know their communities best. Learn how to utilize OSBA's legislative resources and how to advocate for your school district at the Ohio Statehouse.

10:45 a.m.
11 a.m.
Getting comfortable with school finance
Nicole Piscitani, deputy director of legislative services, OSBA & Malania Birney, lobbyist OSBA

School board members receive school funding questions all the time from their voters. This session will give new boards members a basic understanding of local property taxes and state funding.

12 p.m.

Lunch break, please rejoin the workshop by 12:30

12:30 p.m.
The relationship between policy and board governance
Kenna Haycox, deputy director of board and management services, OSBA & Julie Towns, policy consultant, OSBA

Dive deeper into the relationship between board policy and effective board governance. In this interactive policy session, we will explore the important role of the board in governance through policy, the board's relationship to their administration and best practices that lead to successful school board and district operations. Well-crafted policies are the backbone of a successful school district. Join us to learn what it takes to translate your goals into actionable board policy. 

1:45 p.m.
2 p.m.
Let's get legal: Open meetings act, board member ethics and resources for board members
Jennifer Hardin, senior deputy director of legal services, OSBA

In the legal division, we talk to board members all the time. This session will feature an overview of some of the topics we discuss most frequently with both new and experienced board members, including the open meetings act, Ohio's ethics law, and how to find resources when questions arise. Bring your questions for a lively discussion.

4 p.m.