Take a look at the article below from KnowledgeWorks. 

At the district, building, and classroom level, communication is essential to involving and engaging families in their children's education.  
However, while information and communication is essential, it is not sufficient when the desire is to build true family partnerships. 

While many educators are great communicators and skilled at getting parents and families the information that they need, family and community engagement takes it a step further – not just sharing updates from the district or classroom, but inviting families into the conversation and engaging them without an agenda. For Becca Roberts, a first grade teacher with Oakes Public School District in Oakes, North Dakota, home visits were the first step in building strong relationships with her students and their families. Click here to read the rest of the article.

What does family engagement look like in your district?  How are home visits different from communicating with parents?

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on 2/18/2020