The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center has partnered with the A. Sophie Rogers School for Early Learning to create a series of webinars for families of young children. The first one, on the transition into kindergarten, is next week! Information about the first three webinars can be found at 

Transitioning your child into kindergarten

Wednesday, May 26 • 12:30-1pm • Zoom

Starting kindergarten is a big and important transition for your child. Learn about the enrollment process, what to expect, and ways to help your child get ready for this big change.


Loving with limits: Effective guidance and discipline strategies for young children

Wednesday, June 23 • 12:30-1pm • Zoom

Do you find yourself dreading mealtimes, bedtime, or morning routines with your young children? Hear tips and strategies that work with children of all ages to set consistent limits, avoid power struggles, and increase compliance.


Navigating sibling rivalry and conflict resolution with kids

Wednesday, July 28 • 12:30-1pm • Zoom

Families must often cope with and mediate conflicts between siblings of all ages. Learn why conflicts occur, when to support children, and how to set siblings up for less conflict.

Posted by Kim Miller-Smith on 5/19/2021