Don’t miss OSBA’s 2025 Special Education Workshop – one of our most popular events. This workshop is designed to provide you with invaluable, practical insights from leading practioners in special education. Navigating the complexities of special education services is critical for public school districts, especially in today’s highly regulated environment. With compliance becoming more challenging and crucial than ever, securing your spot at this must-attend event is a smart move.

Hear from experienced special education practitioners about the latest in this ever-changing legal landscape.

Get up to date practical strategies in running legal and effective meetings and drafting compliant IEPs, ETRs and other special education documents.


Date Title Location
2/28/25 [Virtual] Special Education Virtual Workshop Webinar

Friday February 28, 2025

8:50 a.m.
Zoom room opens for all attendees
If you have any trouble logging in, please contact Scott Clay at or by calling (614) 540-4000

9 a.m.
John Price, Esq., staff attorney, OSBA
9:05 a.m.
Avoiding IEP and progress monitoring pitfalls
Jessica Dawso, Esq., Scott Scriven LLP

In this session, our speaker will discuss some of the most common mistakes districts make in drafting IEPs and specifically measurable goals. We will also discuss progress monitoring and how to ensure that your district’s IEP teams are performing this essential step in the IEP process appropriately.

10:15 a.m.
10:25 a.m.
Partnering with BCBAs: Improving services for students with behavioral needs
Kathy Perrico, Esq., Weston Hurd, LLP; Jen Gonda, BCBA, COBA Clinical Director, Community Behavior Consulting; Ron DeMuesy Jr., M.Ed., BCBA, COBA, ESC of Central Ohio

Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) are a group of professionals that have become increasingly important for districts as they carry out their special education responsibilities. As student behavior has become more of a focus, these professionals can serve as key partners to create plans to teach appropriate behavior skills and ensure the district is meeting its obligations to all students. In this session, we will look at different ways in which districts partner with these key professionals and outline some of the key work they perform in behavior analysis.

11:40 a.m.
12:40 p.m.
Racing to the finish line: Navigating end of school year considerations
Laura Anthony, Esq., Bricker Graydon LLP

The last few months of the school year can be some of the busiest and most challenging stretches for special education professionals. In this session, we will cover some of the most pressing legal considerations that come up at this whirlwind time of year, including making extended school year (ESY) determinations, state testing for students with disabilities, access to prom and graduation ceremonies, summaries of performance, managing discipline and more.

1:40 p.m.
1:50 p.m.
A look behind the curtain: perspectives from former parent attorneys.
Taryn Weiss Derin, Esq., Pepple & Waggoner Ltd. and John Price, staff attorney, OSBA

Navigating difficult relationships with parents is a tough but necessary part of providing special education services. This is particularly true when parents are represented by their own legal counsel. In this session, we will offer a look behind the curtain as two attorneys who formerly represented parents and students in special education discuss some of the biggest missteps districts make as they work to both avoid and resolve disputes that arise in working with the families of students with disabilities.

3:20 p.m.