Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine announced state spending cuts of $775 million for the remaining two months of fiscal year (FY) 2020. K-12 foundation payments will be cut by $300 million and other education line items will be cut by $55 million. Additionally, DeWine announced the reopening plan for restaurants and personal services. Click here for the Office of Budget and Management K-12 funding reduction simulations.

House activity
The House passed Senate Bill (SB) 1 by a vote of 58-37. The bill, which previously dealt with regulatory reform issues, was amended Wednesday by the House State and Local Government Committee. It now limits all orders issued by the state director of health to 14 days, and extensions may be authorized only by the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review, a 10-member legislative panel. This limit would apply to the K-12 school closure order issued on April 29.

The bill now returns to the Senate for a concurrence vote. DeWine has indicated he would veto the bill. 

Ohio Department of Education
The Ohio Department of Education released new information regarding gifted education requirements.

Posted by Nicole Piscitani 5/08/2020