Senate activity
The Senate passed House Bill (HB) 123 by a vote of 31-0. The bill requires public schools to implement certain programs on and provide instruction in suicide awareness and prevention and violence prevention and provides $2.5 million in payments to dropout prevention and recovery e-schools that are not operated by a for-profit entity and that received an “exceeds standards” rating on their most recent graduation component of the state report card. The bill returns to the House for a concurrence vote.

Governor activity
Gov. Mike DeWine, through an executive order from Ohio Department of Health Interim Director Lance Himes, announced a statewide order for facial coverings that went into effect on July 23. The order specifies that K-12 schools are to follow the guidelines set forth by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Health and are exempt from this order. Click here for the facial coverings executive order.

Additionally, DeWine announced that he is submitting a request to the Controlling Board to use $50 million from the CARES Act that would allow schools to apply for a dollar-to-dollar matching grant program with the state for Wi-Fi hot spots, in-home internet and internet-enabled devices for students. The Controlling Board is scheduled to meet on Monday, July 27.

Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee
The committee held a second hearing on Senate Bill (SB) 317, sponsored by Sen. William P. Coley, II (R-Liberty Township), which expressly exempts the requirement that peace officer basic training be obtained by certain employees that a board of education authorizes to be armed in a school safety zone. An amendment was offered in committee that would attach SB 147, which creates the Ohio School Marshal Program to the bill. The amendment was not voted on and will be considered at a future committee hearing.

The committee held sponsor testimony on HB 680, sponsored by Rep. Cindy Abrams (R-Harrison), which prohibits any public official from causing an election to be conducted other than at the time, place and manner required under law; to reduce the deadline to apply for an for absentee ballot by four days; and to direct the secretary of state’s use of federal CARES Act funds.

Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
The committee held sponsor testimony on SB 333, sponsored by Sen. Tim Schaffer (R-Lancaster), which requires the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to make payments in lieu of taxes to school districts, among others, for land acquisitions that total more than 5,000 acres by the department after 2018.

Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee
The committee held sponsor testimony on HB 13, sponsored by Reps. Rick Carfagna (R-Genoa Township) and Michael J. O’Brien (D-Warren), which establishes the residential broadband expansion program.

Senate General Government and Agency Review Committee
The committee held a sixth hearing on SB 246, which requires an occupational licensing authority to issue a license or government certification to an applicant who holds a license, government certification or private certification or has satisfactory work experience in another state under, certain circumstances.

Posted by Nicole Piscitani 7/24/2020