Deadline nears to certify school emergency documents

On or before July 1, school and district administrators must check and certify that their district emergency plans are current. As a reminder, district emergency management plans must include the following four parts:

Planning for Zika virus in schools

With continuing concerns over Zika virus transmission, administrators may be left wondering how to handle a potential outbreak in the school setting. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released a guidance document for schools. The document outlines appropriate planning and response for Zika virus in school districts. The document also includes general information about Zika virus and insights on roles and responsibilities of school officials in relation to both students and staff members.

New rules for school safety plans

Each board of education is required by law to adopt a “school safety plan” for each building in the district. Recently, the laws have changed regarding the creation and submission of these plans.  Changes to RC 3313.536 became effective last fall, and ODE’s accompanying administrative rule (OAC 3301-5-01) became effective in January.  Changes include:

Name change.  Previously, the law referred to these plans as “school safety plans.”  The new laws change the name of the plans to “emergency management plans.”

Calamity Days

Last week, the Ohio House of Representative and Ohio Senate took action to develop a plan that will provide four additional calamity days to school districts.  Here’s a summary of some of the key provisions of the bill, as well as the answers to a few of the more frequently asked questions we’ve received: