C 111
Monday, November 12

9:00 a.m.
What do I do with all this data?
Parma City discusses ways to empower teaching staff to incorporate data into meaningful discussions that foster school improvement. Learn about data sources, including value-added, time-allocation students, Ohio Achievement Assessments and Ohio Graduation Tests, as well as a conversation protocol that can be used to discuss any data source.
Denver Daniel, director of data and testing, Parma City

2:00 p.m.
More with less with success
North Ridgeville City successfully improved achievement during a period of enrollment increases and staff reductions. Hear some of the ways the district has worked with staff using the Ohio Improvement Plan process to meet student needs during these challenging economic times.
James Powell, assistant superintendent - curriculum and instruction, North Ridgeville City
Larry Brown, superintendent, North Ridgeville City
William Greene, executive director of business services, North Ridgeville City
Biagio Sidoti, treasurer,North Ridgeville City

3:45 p.m.
Integrating formative assessments
Formative assessment helps teachers gauge student understanding of concepts and redesign lessons to meet student needs. Maple Heights City discusses how these assessments can be easily integrated into classroom learning every day with proper planning.
Susan Jaroscak, director of instruction and gifted education, Maple Heights City
Valerie Burke, high school math teacher, Maple Heights City
Ann Krutko, elementary teacher, Maple Heights City
Michelle Brasdovich, middle school math teacher,Maple Heights City

Tuesday, November 13

9:00 a.m.
District data teams and accountability
No matter the size, it is essential that every district has a structure in place to monitor data and implementation of instructional initiatives. Hilliard City explains how the District Data Team model does this by identifying and carrying out priority and high-leverage actions that significantly impact student achievement.
Linda Romano, director of professional development, Hilliard City
Steve Estepp, executive director, k-12 curriculum and instruction , Hilliard City

2:00 p.m.
Elementary departmentalization
Jackson Center Local (Shelby) has implemented a total departmentalization from K-12. Kindergarten students change classes for each subject, just like high school students. Learn about the advantages and challenges of this system.
William Reichert, superintendent, Jackson Center Local (Shelby)
Ginger Heuker, elementary principal, Jackson Center Local (Shelby)
Regina Hunsucker, math teacher, 2-3 grade, Jackson Center Local (Shelby)
Wendy Yinger, K-1 language arts teacher,Jackson Center Local (Shelby)
Lori Wisnell, K-1 science and social studies teacher,Jackson Center Local (Shelby)

3:45 p.m.
High school reform on a budget
Alliance City shares how they implemented a reform model with high impact on student learning and low impact on the district’s budget. Learn about the positive changes created by teaching students in two “academies,” allowing for innovative practices in scheduling, student advising and delivery of instruction.
Stephen Fowler, assistant principal, Alliance City
Chris Schillig, English teacher/department chairperson, Alliance City
Kelly Trout, science teacher, Alliance City
Adam Thomas, math teacher,Alliance City
Tina Arbitter, special education teacher,Alliance City
Shawn Jackson, principal,Alliance City