Room D 132
Monday, November 12

9:00 a.m.
21st century learning with INFOhio
Power up with INFOhio’s free resources for students and online professional development for faculty. In this session, explore INFOhio’s self-directed tutorials addressing 21st century skills and the Common Core, learn about the new student research tool GO! INFOhio and create your own Personal Learning Network in the Knowledge Building Community.
Lori Guerrini, library media specialist, Chagrin Falls EV
Melissa Higgs-Horwell, consultant, INFOhio
Jennifer Schwelik, elearning specialist, INFOhio

2:00 p.m.
21st century professional development
Technology and financial considerations are changing the landscape of professional development. Using online access, mobile devices and innovative delivery systems, professional development is moving from a face-to-face model to 24/7 availability. Darke County ESC explores several formats to provide educators with up-to-date 21st century training.
Lois Bunger, director of technology, Darke County ESC
Carlton Jones, director of curriculum services, Darke County ESC
Lisa Giuffre, pupil services director, Darke County ESC

3:45 p.m.
Partnerships for dynamic student learning
Dublin City and Bruner Corporation explain how businesses, school districts and students can partner in mutually beneficial ways to improve energy efficiency and provide real-world experiences through a 21st century learning framework.
Annette Morud, director of business affairs, Dublin City
Gretchen Schuster, science teacher, Dublin City
Eydie Schilling, executive director of learning and teaching, Dublin City
Chuck Crawford, science teacher,Dublin City
Stephanie Drenten, energy engineer,Bruner Corporation

Tuesday, November 13

9:00 a.m.
The Common Core and next-gen instruction
Cleveland Heights-University Heights City is preparing for the Common Core era by transforming teaching and learning through three pathways of choice. Hear about the district’s implementation strategy, timeline and early results. Also learn how students and teachers are positioned to thrive in an environment of increased expectations, rigor and engagement.
Joseph Micheller, director of special programs and compliance, Cleveland Heights-University Heights City
James  Reed, principal Legacy NewTech, Cleveland Heights-University Heights City

2:00 p.m.
Forward-thinking positive behavior plans
Learn how New Miami Local’s (Butler) elementary school achieves its goal to increase positive behavior and academic feedback for the 21st century student with monthly incentives, random prize days, color charts, shout-outs and positive reinforcement of the school’s rules and guidelines.
Benjamin  Schneider, music teacher, New Miami Local (Butler)
Debbie Dye, first-grade teacher, New Miami Local (Butler)
Angelina Madaffari, fifth grade teacher, New Miami Local (Butler)
Jill Frechtling, second-grade teacher,New Miami Local (Butler)

3:45 p.m.
Digital STEAM — free classroom curriculum
Join Coshocton City and IMAGINiT Technologies for a tour of Autodesk’s new, free high school curriculum for science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). Discover what is included, how to navigate the website and how to enhance your Autodesk lab with IMAGINiT’s Teach Now eLearning and support.
Cindi Meier, account executive, IMAGINiT Technologies
Jon Cotterman, industrial tech teacher, Coshocton City