Legal Limelight

Legal Limelight videos
OSBA is pleased to offer general legal information on many subjects to help you in your district role. Ten videos in the Legal Limelight series are below, with many more coming soon! 

Legal Limelight: Special Education Cases

In the latest installment in the Legal Limelight series, OSBA’s Jennifer Hardin details recent developments in case law regarding educating students with disabilities.

Legal Limelight: Special Education Law

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires school districts to involve parents and guardians at every step of the special education process. In this edition of Legal Limelight, OSBA's Jennifer Hardin has more on emerging special education issues and how you can sign up for OSBA's Special Education Law workshop.

Legal Limelight: Special Education Guidance

OSBA's Megan Greulich discusses new guidance for serving students with disabilities confined to community corrections facilities and juvenile detention centers.

Legal Limelight: Attendance, Tuition and Custody

Each new school year, the start of classes brings possible attendance and tuition issues for school districts and students. OSBA’s Candice Christon discusses some common issues your district may encounter and how to handle them.

Legal Limelight: Legal Hotline

OSBA’s Division of Legal Services unveils a toll-free telephone number that members can use to directly dial association attorneys for assistance. OSBA Staff Attorney Candice Christon has the details.

Legal Limelight: Unlicensed Teachers

There are many potential issues that may arise if a teacher accidentally lets their license lapse during the school year. Hear how to protect your district with tips on how to handle different scenarios.

Legal Limelight: A La Carte Beverage Items

As the new school year gets set to begin, Staff Attorney Candice Christon talks about restrictions on a la carte beverage items for districts.

Summer Sports Camp

OSBA's Hollie Reedy provides tips for coaches on how to avoid legal pitfalls when planning and holding a summer sports camp.

Legal Tips for Filling a Board Seat

Find out what the seven specific events are that can create a board vacancy, and why boards need to fill the vacancy within 30 days. OSBA Legal Intern Rachel Howell explains the legal ins and outs of filling a board vacancy.

Legal Ledger Blog

OSBA's Division of Legal Services has a legal blog, the Legal Ledger. Authored by the association's attorneys, the blog features updates on the newest cases, hot topics, and legal developments related to state and federal laws. This video outlines the blog's benefits and tells you how to subscribe!